With a Bachelor in Biochemistry from the University of Science and Technology, Chittagong (USTC) you will have come to understand the chemical principles of biological systems including molecular biology. You will also have developed laboratory expertise in modern biochemical techniques, including the ability to analyze data and prepare scientific reports. You will have a solid grounding in mathematics and physics to solve problems of a broad range in biological, biomedical, and environmental sciences in order to prepare you for leadership in diverse scientific and technological arenas.
It gives me utmost pleasure to welcome the students at University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC) which is the pioneer of Private Universities in Chattogram. USTC provides the superior quality education in the field of Pharmaceutical, Biochemistry & Biotechnological, Business, English, Engineering and Technological education in the country. The course curriculum is developed based on the student’s needs.
USTC is committed to produce world class graduates by providing new frontiers of knowledge based economy, skills and leadership competencies embracing technology. Graduates from the Faculty of BMPS, USTC are employed both within and outside the country, and have also gained admission to prestigious universities abroad. USTC also committed to making this University one of the top Private Universities of the country in every respect. In order to achieve this goal, Dedicated team of the USTC fully utilize energies, experience and potentials. USTC also provides the best laboratory facilities for the students of Life Science as well as for Engineering to compete with others and build them for world challenges.
Today’s rapidly changing world, the advancement and development of both Faculty and Students are paramount to be at par with the modern lines. In this connection, well-equipped and fully furnished infrastructure both for the students and for the faculty members are the needs of the day to achieve the desired results. USTC has State-of-the art labs and library facilities, campus-wide Wi-Fi zone, e-resources and archives, live in-field experience, and a lot more.
USTC has already signed MoUs with Asian University for Women (AUW), MIT, USA, SBIT Inc. USA, BSCIR and recently MoUs have been signed with four reputed Malaysian Universities (UTP, USIM, UKM, UPSI, UTM and Taylor’s University).
Years: Four (04) Years
Semesters: Two Semesters per Year [Total Eight (08) Semesters]
Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program: According to BNQF (Part B) for Higher Education: 157 Credits
Total class weeks in a Year/semester: 52 Weeks in a year and 26 Weeks for a Semester.
Minimum CGPA requirements for graduation: 2.00 out of 4.00
Maximum academic years of completion: 6 years (May be extended 1 year with the approval of Academic council)
Laboratory and Other Facilities
An admission committee shall be formed in each academic session by the faculty for admission into the Semester I of B. Sc. Programs in Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
A candidate for admission into the Semester I must have secured at least
USTC D’ block , 10th & 12th Floor
Email: dbb2002.ustc@gmail.com, officebbtech@gmail.com
Foy’s Lake, Zakir Hossain Road
Chattogram 4202.