University of Science and Technology Chittagong

+880 1810 097025

+880 1810 097026

Moshin Sarkar

Md. Mohsin Sarker Raihan

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


“Md. Mohsin Sarker Raihan joined USTC in 2022 as Lecturer of Computer Science and Engineering. His research experience spans over two years and includes biomedical engineering, machine learning, deep learning, public health care, and natural language processing. He is an active participant in several collaborative research initiatives with a variety of universities, some of which include Khulna University, KUET, IUT, BRAC University, and BUBT, among others.

He received his Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from Khulna University of Science and Technology (KUET), as well as his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT).


  • M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
  • B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology”

Program Affiliated

  • B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Public Health Care

Courses Taught

  • Programing Language (Theory and Lab)
  • Electrical Circuit II (Theory and Lab)
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller System (Theory and Lab)
  • Control System Design (Theory and Lab)
  • Electrical and Electronic Simulation Lab

Journals & Articles


  • Khan, Md Mohi Uddin, Abdullah Bin Shams, and Mohsin Sarker Raihan. “A prospective approach for Human-to-Human interaction recognition from Wi-Fi channel data using attention bidirectional gated recurrent neural network with GUI application implementation.” Multimedia Tools and Applications(2024):1-44.
  • Tasmi, Sidratul Tanzila, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and COVID-19: mortality prediction of COVID-19-infected patients with OSA using machine learning approaches.” COVID2, no. 7 (2022): 877-894.
  • Ghosh, Mounita, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, M. Raihan, Laboni Akter, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Sultan S. Alshamrani, and Mehedi Masud. “A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Liver Disease.” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing30, no. 3 (2021).
  • Monjur, Ocean, Rahat Bin Preo, Abdullah Bin Shams, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, and Fariha Fairoz. “COVID-19 prognosis and mortality risk predictions from symptoms: A cloud-based smartphone application.” BioMed1, no. 2 (2021): 114-125.
  • Shams, Abdullah Bin, Ehsanul Hoque Apu, Ashiqur Rahman, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Nazeeba Siddika, Rahat Bin Preo, Molla Rashied Hussein, Shabnam Mostari, and Russell Kabir. “Web search engine misinformation notifier extension (SEMiNExt): A machine learning based approach during COVID-19 Pandemic.” In Healthcare, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 156. MDPI, 2021.

Book Chapters:

  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, Md Mohi Uddin Khan, Laboni Akter, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “Development of a Risk-Free COVID-19 Screening Algorithm from Routine Blood Tests Using Ensemble Machine Learning.” In Applied Intelligence for Industry 4.0, pp. 132-144. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2023.
  • Tasmi, Sidratul Tanzila, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Atahar Imtiaz Nasif, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “PACTDet-An Artificially Intelligent Approach to Detect Pulmonary Illnesses: Pneumonia, Asthma, COVID-19, and Tuberculosis.” In International Scientific and Practical Conference on Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems, pp. 10-22. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.
  • Rahman, Shagoto, M. Raihan, Kamrul Hasan Talukder, Sabia Khatun Mithila, Md Mehedi Hassan, Laboni Akter, and Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan. “Efficient machine learning approaches to detect fake news of covid-19.” In Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications: Proceedings of MIDAS 2021, pp. 513-525. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, Muhammad Muinul Islam, Fariha Fairoz, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “Identification of the Resting Position Based on EGG, ECG, Respiration Rate and SpO _ 2 SpO 2 Using Stacked Ensemble Learning.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data, IoT, and Machine Learning: BIM 2021, pp. 789-798. Springer Singapore, 2022.
  • Akter, Laboni, M. Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Mounita Ghosh, and Nasif Alvi. “Breast cancer risk prediction using different clustering techniques.” In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications: Proceedings of ICICC 2021, Volume 2, pp. 191-203. Springer Singapore, 2022.


  • Wakim Saijad Sakib, Abdullah Bin Shums, Mohisn Sarker Raihan, Raisa et al, “Highly Accurate Two Channel Single-Cycle EOG Classification for Smart Wearable Technologies”. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology for Health (Accepted)
  • Auditi Barua, Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Laboni Akter “A Bayesian Optimization-Based Framework for Building Stacked Ensemble Models in Liver Disease Prediction”. 2024 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 2024, (Accepted)
  • Shawon, Sarowar Morshed, Nusratul Islam Neha, Anjuman Naher Jui, Nabonita Dey, and Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan. “AgriAI: Machine Learning Frameworks for Tailored Crop Recommendations using Soil Nutrient Parameters.” In 2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Electrical, and Smart Systems (iCACCESS), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2024.
  • Shawon, Sarowar Morshed, Falguny Barua Ema, Asura Khanom Mahi, and Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan. “Crop Yield Prediction: Robust Machine Learning Approaches for Precision Agriculture.” In 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp. 1-6. IEEE,2023.
  • Tasmi, Sidratul Tanzila, Sabbir Ahmed, and Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan. “Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Autism Spectrum Disorder Level Detection using Behavioural Symptoms.” In 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2023.
  • Ahmad, Minhaj Uddin, A. Abdur Rahman Akib, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “ABO3 Perovskites’ formability prediction and crystal structure classification using machine learning.” In 2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), pp. 480-485. IEEE, 2022.
  • Alam, Md Mahtab, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Mubtasim Rafid Chowdhury, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “High precision eye tracking based on electrooculography (EOG) signal using artificial neural network (ANN) for smart technology application.” In 2021 24th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2021.
  • Adib, Quazi Adibur Rahman, Sidratul Tanzila Tasmi, Shahriar Islam Bhuiyan, Mohsin Sarker Raihan, and Abdullah Bin Shams. “Prediction model for mortality analysis of pregnant women affected with COVID-19.” In 2021 24th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2021.
  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, Eshtiak Ahmed, Asif Karim, Sami Azam, M. Raihan, Laboni Akter, and Md Mehedi Hassan. “Chronic Renal Disease Prediction using Clinical Data and Different Machine Learning Techniques.” In 2021 2nd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2021.
  • Zaman, SM Mehedi, Wasay Mahmood Qureshi, Md Mohsin Sarker Raihan, Abdullah Bin Shams, and Sharmin Sultana. “Survival prediction of heart failure patients using stacked ensemble machine learning algorithm.” In 2021 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), pp. 117-120. IEEE, 2021.
  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, M. Raihan, and Laboni Akter. “A comparative study to predict the diabetes risk using different kernels of support vector machine.” In 2021 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), pp. 547-551. IEEE, 2021.
  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, Abdullah Bin Shams, and Rahat Bin Preo. “Multi-class electrogastrogram (EGG) signal classification using machine learning algorithms.” In 2020 23rd International conference on computer and information technology (ICCIT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2020.
  • Raihan, Md Mohsin Sarker, and Muhammad Muinul Islam. “Determination of the Best Resting Position Using Electrogastrography After Having a Light Meal.” In 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pp. 1684-1687. IEEE, 2020.