Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
SABIHA TASNEEM is the first Erasmus Scholar from Bangladesh to obtain EUROPEAN MASTER IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS. She has done Internship at the French National Nuclear Physics Research Center, named Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL), in France. She has worked in the New JEDI project: New Judicious Experiment for Dark sectors Investigations, with the celebrity Astrophysicist Dr Beyhan Bastin. She is an Alumni of the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY “GALILEO GALILEI”, University of Padua, Italy. She has done thesis on astrophysical experiments conducted at LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics), placed at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of INFN, Itay, the biggest underground laboratory in the world.
SABIHA TASNEEM has been serving as Assistant Professor of Physics at the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, USTC since in 2018.